Drawdown of a grant is dependent on the conditions below being fully and satisfactorily met.
- Grant Offer
In accepting a grant offer, the grantee accepts these conditions in full.
A grant may only be used for the specific costs approved by Culture Ireland as outlined in your grant offer and in a manner that maximises value for money.
- Travel Advice
Travel insurance must be in place to cover alterations to or cancellation of travel arrangements. Culture Ireland will not reimburse costs in cases where the event does not take place or travel is not undertaken.
- Acknowledgement of Culture Ireland support
Grantees must acknowledge the support of Culture Ireland and use Culture Ireland logo in the appropriate format in all promotional material associated with the event. Such recognition must match that given to corporate or other sponsors or donors for similar support. Compliance with this condition will be monitored. Culture Ireland reserves the right to request copies of all promotional material publicising the event. Please see the Logo section to access logosand guidelines for their use.
- Media Coverage
Grantees are asked to email links to any press coverage, reviews and relevant photographs, video or audio material relating to the event to [email protected]citing their grant offer reference number. Such information should be submitted before, during and after the event takes place. Culture Ireland may use submitted material for publicity purposes.
In order to help maximise the promotion of supported events, we also request that grantees become friends of Culture Ireland on social media. Culture Ireland must be tagged in all posts relating to supported events (Twitter @culture_ireland, Facebook @CultureIreland and Instagram @cultureireland).
- Drawdown of funds
Before submitting a grant drawdown claim grantees must complete a post-event review using an online Outcome Report form (via Support Schemes tab on website). Culture Ireland will not release the funds where the Report Form has been inadequately or inappropriately completed.
Drawdown of funds is on the basis of vouched expenditure and confirmation that the receipts are not used to make a claim from any other source. Complete documentation (including Culture Ireland Report Form) must be submitted no later than six weeks following the event. Failure to drawdown this grant within the stated time period may result in the grant being withdrawn. Drawdown of funds is on the basis of vouched expenditure and confirmation that the receipts are not used to make a claim from any other source.
All grants are paid in Euro and the onus is on the grantee to ensure that the bank account supplied can accept Euro payments. Additional information on how to draw down your grant is available here.
- Changes to the Event
Culture Ireland’s agreement must be obtained in advance and in writing for any proposed alteration to the supported event (i.e. changes to date, venue, named artist or other significant element). Culture Ireland reserves the right to withdraw or revise its grant offer where significant changes to an event are involved.
- Child Protection Policy
Irish-based grantees are obliged to inform Culture Ireland if their event will include any work or activity that involves contact with children or relates to the provision of educational, research, training, cultural, recreational, leisure, social or physical activities to children. Where applicable, the organisation should have in place a Child Safeguarding Statement which is consistent with the Children First Act, 2015 and Children First: National Guidelines for the Protection and Welfare of Children 2017 and a Vulnerable Adults Policy. All grantees should ensure that local child protection policies are in place where relevant.
Children First National Guidance for the Protection and Welfare of Children 2017
- Important Sectoral Resources
All grantees are encouraged to familiarise/engage with the following important resources:
Safe To Create – Information in relation to the Safe To Create available here. Safe To Create is a Dignity at Work programme. The aim of this programme is to impact change on the culture and practices of the arts sector in Ireland to provide safer working conditions for artists and arts workers.
This programme is managed by Irish Theatre Institute, on behalf of the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media and in partnership with the Arts Council, Screen Ireland and Minding Creative Minds.
Minding Creative Minds – This is a free 24/7 service offering a suite of wellbeing supports to the Irish Creative Sector. This service is a 32 county and Irish overseas well-being support programme. Further information on Minding Creative Minds can be accessed here.
- Freedom of information
Information provided to Culture Ireland may be disclosed in response to a request made under the Freedom of Information Act 2014. Every effort will be made to protect grantees confidentiality in line with the terms of the Act.
- Publication of Grant Awards and Privacy Statement
Culture Ireland has a policy of publishing relevant details of grants awarded online including but not necessarily limited to the names of the grantee, the amount of the grant offered and a summary of the proposed event. Culture Ireland operates under the following Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media obligations under GDPR:
The Department is committed to protecting and respecting your privacy and employs appropriate technical and organisational measures to protect your information from unauthorised access. The Department will not process your personal data for any purpose other than that for which they were collected. Personal data may be exchanged with other Government Departments, local authorities, agencies under the aegis of the Department, or other public bodies, in certain circumstances where this is provided for by law. The Department will only retain your personal data for as long as it is necessary for the purposes for which they were collected and subsequently processed. When the business need to retain this information has expired, it will be examined with a view to destroying the personal data as soon as possible, and in line with Department policy.
The Department’s Privacy Statement in relation to individual suppliers, payees and grantees can be accessed here.
Further information on Data Protection can also be found on the Department’s website.